Friday, January 25, 2008


Coffee! Oh, how I love my coffee.

The creamy treat in the morning makes me quite lively.

Hot, ambrosial, and soothing to my lips,

It warms my body right down to the fingertips!

Coffee! Oh, how I love my coffee.

With a little cream and much sugar, it is a sweet ecstasy!

My friend who comforts me after a long day,

The velvety, luscious taste just makes me want to shout, yay!

Coffee! Oh, how I love my coffee.

Each sip never fails to be the most savory!

A cafe is my most favorite place to be,

for the dainty aroma seduces and drives me to a frenzy!

My passion for this drink astounds and baffles me,

I am only left to say, Oh how I love my coffee!

-As you see, I really like coffee. I was kind of having trouble deciding what to write for my last blog and thought, "Hey, why don't I write about coffee!" I know, it is really cheesy. I think that I am addicted to it. If I go a day without coffee, I get headaches. I started drinking it in high school because I could never stay awake in class and I got in trouble a lot. Guess what? The coffee cured that! Anyways, I feel slightly embarrassed now. If anyone ever goes out for coffee, please invite me!

227 words

1 comment:

Kelvin Oliver said...

YAY! A post about coffee. I love coffee. It has been a while since I had a cup of coffee. I love drinking that and hot chocolate. I can drink like 2 or 3 cups a day of either pleasuring beverage. This was a bit funny. However, I am not addicted, but I enjoy drinking it. Yum yum. Making me want some now.